Discover active travel champions
Discover active travel champions
Everyday active travel champions across the country help to reduce carbon emissions by opting to walk, wheel or cycle for shorter journeys.
Have you been inspired by the Olympics to get more active? You can increase your fitness, boost your mental health and save money at the same time with active travel. According to Energy Saving Trust you could save £259 per year on fuel costs by reducing your car use by a quarter.
Transport is the biggest contributor to Scotland’s carbon emissions. If you opted for active travel once a week you could save 30 kg of CO2 per year. Everyday active travel champions across the country help to reduce this by opting to walk, wheel or cycle for shorter journeys.
Here are some stories from some of those champions.
Lisa saves money by cycling to work
Bikes are cheaper to maintain than cars and don’t require fuel. If you live in a city they are often more convenient than cars as you can use bike lanes and segregated cycle paths.
Worried about tackling Scotland’s hilly landscape? According to Lisa, an ebike is a great way of overcoming this:
“I was one of those cyclists who, whenever I reached a hill, I had this sense of impending doom and a feeling of real failure because I could just never cycle up a hill. I thought I would try an ebike and get up those hills - and that’s what I did!”
Maria has reduced her emissions by using a cargo bike for the school run
We get it - cars are more convenient than regular bikes when it comes to dropping kids off at school and picking up the shopping. If you want to opt for active travel in these cases you can invest in a cargo bike. You can also get electric versions of these to help you deal with hills and heavy cargo. According to Maria:
“What I love most about our ecargo bike is just the freedom it gives us. We can go further distances, we can carry more things, we can go up hills that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to do with the baby. It really opens up the world to us a bit more.”
Robert boosted his health by taking part in health walks
Walking and wheeling is the cheapest way to travel and comes with major health benefits. Around 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise is enough to reduce your risk of depression by 30% and heart disease by 35%.
Paths for All runs health walks across Scotland to get more people moving. According to Robert:
“As well as helping alleviate my social anxiety, the walks have also helped improve my mental health. Without me noticing it the walks had been a form of cognitive therapy! More generally, I notice that I am much chattier and more gregarious with other people after the walks and am buzzing with anecdotes and knowledge that I have just learnt.”
Do you know about Cycle to Work Day?
Ready to become an active travel champion but not sure where to start? Cycle to Work day is on Thursday 1 August this year. This is a great excuse to give it a try for one day. If you enjoy it - you can keep it up and save yourself some money.
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