Home > Don’t wait for winter to warm up your home

Don’t wait for winter to warm up your home

woman sat on the sofa with her cat in a cozy home after getting ready for winter

Winter is on the way so it’s time to think about how you can save money on your energy bills. We have advisors throughout the country ready to provide free, impartial advice that’s specific to you and your home.

Now’s the perfect time to find out about support and funding.  We see big call increases during the colder months so why not get ahead of the queue and start thinking about warming up your home this winter?

Here are some of the ways we can help you:

Reduce your bills for winter

Our advisors can check if you’re eligible for special discounts from energy suppliers. We can also help you get benefits and tax credit checks so you’re not missing out on additional income. And we can also help you access Scottish Government funding to improve your home’s energy efficiency.

There are also large and small changes you can make around the home to reduce your energy bills  too –  read our quick tips to save energy to find out more.

Go green and save

If you’re planning a home renovation this winter, we’ve got you covered with free impartial advice, tools, and financial support. Our specially trained advisors can assess your property and its energy performance and explain your options for generating your own heat or power at home.

You can also read stories from people who’ve already installed renewables using our handy Green Homes Network case study tool.

Make your home warmer this winter

Our tailored advice is specific to you and your home and we can help you find out if you’re eligible for financial support including Warmer Homes Scotland, the Home Energy Scotland Grant & Loan and more.

We can also advise you on other steps to warm your home, like:

  • Improving insulation
  • Upgrading your heating system
  • Draught proofing and glazing for winter
  • Understanding your heating controls


Lastly, if you’re worried about your bills, or if your home is cold and difficult to heat, the information on our website can help you access funding and support.

You can use our handy Funding Finder tool or find about grants and loans. Remember, the only way to access this Scottish Government funding is to contact us directly either by phone or online.

Our team of friendly advisors are waiting to help you warm up your home this winter – give us a call on 0808 808 2282 today.
