Home > Support for rural homes in Scotland

Support for rural homes in Scotland

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Energy costs can be a significant concern for rural homes. Fuel poverty and extreme fuel poverty are prevalent in rural areas, with a substantial number of households struggling to afford heating and experiencing high levels of fuel poverty.

We want you to know that we’re here to support householders living in rural areas with energy advice, help lowering your bills and information about potential funding options available.

Energy saving tips for rural homes

You don’t have to spend a penny to start saving on your energy bills. We have lots of helpful energy saving tips on our website which prove that small changes can make a big difference. From switching off stand-by to being smart with your water usage, we can help you save a significant amount on your annual energy bill. Our friendly advisors are also on hand to provide you with personalised advice to suit your needs.

Off-gas areas and heating solutions

If your home is not connected to the natural gas network, finding alternative heating solutions becomes crucial. We can help you explore options like heat pumps and solar panels. These can significantly reduce your energy costs and environmental impact. These renewable technologies are particularly well-suited for rural homes, and our advisors can provide guidance on their benefits, costs, and suitability for your specific needs. You can also get a personalised report with details of improvements that we recommend by completing our Home Energy Check.

We understand that asking for assistance can sometimes feel challenging. However, it’s essential to know that support is available to help you save energy in your home. Why not read about the experiences of other homeowners who have benefited from energy efficiency improvements? Their stories can inspire you to take advantage of the available resources and make positive changes in your own home. For example, you can read about David’s move from oil to a more efficient biomass boiler system or Elizabeth’s experience in getting a heat pump installed.

You can see all our case studies on our website.

Support for rural homes


Making your home more energy efficient can help lower your energy bills, but the upfront cost of improvements like insulation or heating can put people off.

The good news? We can help. We’ll let you know what funding is available to you. There are free funding options available, and our friendly advisors can see if you’re eligible to apply. Also, you might be able to spread the cost with an interest-free loan or get a grant to cover much needed home improvements. You could benefit from a rural uplift grant to provide extra support to rural and island homes which can face increased costs to install home improvements.

Use our Funding Finder, a handy online tool, to search for funding and support. Give it a try and see what help you can get.

Locating certified installers

Finding certified installers for insulation, renewable technologies, and other energy efficiency measures can be challenging for rural homes. We have some tips on how to find certified installers. You can also search for MCS-certified installers in your area and read customer reviews on Energy Saving Trust’s Renewables Installer Finder.

Getting in touch

We’re here to help you with more than just renewable solutions. We also provide guidance and support for making changes in your daily habits and offer affordable options to reduce your bills. We know that each household is different. Our advisors can help you in finding the support that best fits your needs.

Call us on 0808 808 2282 between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday, and Saturdays 9am to 5pm. You can also use our contact form to get in touch via email.

Further reading
