Reduce your bills

Are you struggling to heat your home effectively or manage your energy bills? Home Energy Scotland is here to help. You could cut your energy costs with our expert advice. Discover some easy ways to save energy and explore how to get the best energy deal, whether you're a tenant or a homeowner.

Dad with a child looking at a bill
Easy ways to save energy

Not all energy saving measures are expensive or time consuming. You can start saving money with some practical quick wins that we've pulled together that will help you cut energy use.

Get the best energy deal

Learn the differences between fixed-rate and variable-rate tariffs, what to think about when switching suppliers, and how to make sure the energy you consume is sustainable.

Ways to reduce your energy bills

Take a look at these ways to cut your energy use and save money.

Improve your heating and insulation to lower your energy bills. Contact us for expert advice on home improvements and available financial assistance.

Contact us

If you don't have a smart meter, it's important to regularly submit your meter readings to ensure your bills are more accurate. Energy Saving Trust has all the latest information on switching suppliers. We also recommend you check with your supplier to make sure you're on the best tariff available.

Find out about switching suppliers

Generating your own renewable electricity could save you money on your energy bills. You could even get paid for exporting electricity back to the grid through the Smart Export Guarantee. Find out how making your home greener can also save you money. 

Find out more

Evaluate your home's energy efficiency with our Home Energy Check, a tool that gives you your own, free, personalised energy report featuring potential improvements you could make along with the potential savings.

Check your home energy

Information for tenants

Do you rent your home? While there are some limitations on what you can do to save money and energy, we can still help you figure out how to keep your bills down. 

If you’re eligible for Warmer Homes Scotland funding then your landlord will know about what changes can be funded by the Scottish Government to reduce energy bills. There are some extra restrictions for those in the private rented sector so take a look at the Warmer Homes Scotland programme for more information. 

Find out if you're eligible
Customer relaxing in rented home with dog

Reduce your energy use

There are quick fixes you can implement without needing permission from your landlord. First, think about where you’re using too much energy and work out alternatives. For example, try drying clothes on racks inside in a well-ventilated space, and line-drying outside in the warm weather. 

Energy Saving Trust has this great run down of quick fixes.

Take control of your bills

If you pay your own bills then you can do a few things that will help you save - starting with a smart meter. You don’t need permission from your landlord to get one installed and it will help you keep your consumption in check. 

Energy Saving Trust's Smart Meter Guide will tell you all you need to know. 

Install a smart meter

A smart meter is made up of the meter itself and an in-home display. It uses a secure data network to automatically send meter readings to your supplier. You can keep track of your gas and electricity use and see what you’re spending in real time. To get a smart meter, get in touch with your energy supplier. They’ll let you know when one can be installed. 

Find out more in our guide to saving energy and money with smart meters.